The recent development by Permabond of a temperature resistant cyanoacrylates has then been well-received for its ability to outperform other bonding agents.

Temperature has been a big issue for adhesives manufacturers for decades. Temperature resistance is a fundamental requirement across a vast range of applications in manufacturing. In the aerospace industry, it’s a huge driver for improved assembly, better design, and drastically improved costs.

The demand for adhesives in temperature-dictated environments

The need to produce a ultra-efficient, and totally reliable adhesive for temperature related structural bonding roles has been a priority for a long time. Adhesives are high performance contributors to new engineering science, adding improved bonds while reducing weight and costs. The issue has been to ensure absolutely effective, 100% reliable bonds in any temperature-related scenario.

Added to this need was the clear requirement for procedural efficiencies. New adhesives would have to be:

  •       Fully compatible bonding agents across a wide range of materials.
  •       Efficient in application, able to work well in any sort of assembly regime, including complex design and production environments.
  •       Able to meet bonding specifications at very demanding levels of performance.
  •       Fully proven temperature resistance, with clear parameters.
  •       Compatible with production requirements for curing times.
  •       Cost efficient, showing clear cost benefits across the design and production spectrum.

The reasons for this very demanding set of criteria were strictly practical. The truth is that old style mechanical joins and welds are both heavy and inefficient. They’re also highly expensive. Modern technology and design have simply outgrown the old methods. Adhesives deliver much lower weights and costs. They also remove the added design and production issues of the old joins.

Cyanoacrylates deliver

The solution was truly elegant. One of the oldest classes of modern adhesive, cyanoacrylates met almost a wish list of performance options for the temperature-resistant role. The only issue was adapting them to temperature thresholds, and that’s exactly what this new class of cyanoacrylates achieves.

The new cyanoacrylate gels delivered everything that the criteria required:

  •       They’re very fast bonding agents which cure rapidly, improving productivity.
  •       They’re light weight, offering instant design, production and performance benefits.
  •       They can replace the old joins, providing instant cost benefits and reducing weight and production cost elements.
  •       The new gel form of temperature-resistant cyanoacrylates is useable in any sort of bonding environment. This is extremely important because of the highly diversified nature of bonding roles and different types of joins required.
  •       The new temperature-resistant cyanoacrylates are effective at temperatures up to 250°F, or 120°C — that’s roughly the equivalent of a baking oven.

The future

If you’re getting the impression that the new cyanoacrylates have actually delivered a bit more than the original criteria demanded, you’re quite right. The ability to manage temperature-related design issues opens up the flood gates for much better designs and much more cost efficient production.

The temperature-resistant cyanoacrylates are a real game changer. They allow far more flexibility in design and much more ambitious design options by eliminating serious restrictions caused by temperature environments. They also remove major cost issues and production obstacles created by old technologies.

The temperature-resistant cyanoacrylates are an answer to prayer for expert designers and production engineers. You’ll see the results soon, in everything from new cars to new consumer durables and electronics. The future of design is just arriving, and it’s looking good.

For further help and advice, please contact Permabond.



Soporte técnico

Permabond le ayudará a elegir el adhesivo correcto para su aplicación.

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