Fabricante, Formulador e Innovador de Adhesivos
Permabond fabrica muchos tipos de productos adhesivos industriales que satisfacen diversas necesidades de una serie de diferentes industrias.
Soluciones Adhesivos Globales
Los adhesivos y selladores Permabond se emplean prácticamente en todos los sectores industriales Haga clic aquí para más información. Muchos sectores industriales exigen homologaciones específicas para los adhesivos empleados en dichos sectores. Haga clic aquí para más información Pulse aquí para ver una muestra de algunas de estas homologaciones.
Cualesquiera que sean los materiales que se deseen unir –plástico, metal, madera, cristal, goma o material compuesto–, Permabond está a la disposición del cliente para ayudarle a obtener la solución indicada. Nos gustan los retos, e incluso los materiales más difíciles de unir no pueden resistirse a nuestro equipo técnico de especialistas. Para solicitar asesoramiento técnico, pulse Haga clic aquí para más información.
Permabond se enorgullece de su servicio de asistencia técnica y de su gama de productos técnicos novedosos que permiten realizar incluso las uniones de mayor dificultad. Tenemos continuamente en desarrollo nuevos productos capaces de soportar las condiciones más exigentes, de unir los materiales más difíciles, con prestaciones aún mayores. Y cuando no dispongamos en nuestra gama de un producto indicado para las exigencias particulares del cliente, nuestros especialistas podrán formular un producto especial.
Why Permabond?
Global Service
Customer Satisfaction
News and Events
For more news and events, check out our blog.

Introducing high temperature aerospace epoxy, Permabond ET5424
Permabond was recently approached by an aerospace customer looking to find the ultimate in high performance epoxies. The product sought

An Adhesive Success Story: Permabond & Field Cycles
At October’s Advanced Engineering Expo at the NEC in Birmingham, we had the honour and pleasure of working alongside Harry

Bond challenging plastics easily with Permabond
Are you having trouble bonding certain types of plastics? Despite what many may think, not all plastics are the

Permabond’s Range of Non-Hazardous Adhesives
More and more businesses and individuals are looking for safer, less hazardous ways of bonding their products together. This means

How to avoid & get rid of bubbles in adhesives
‘Bubbly’ is sometimes a good thing. Bubbly people make for a fun social event, and no celebration would be complete

Introducing our multi-purpose nylon-bonding adhesive, Permabond TA4550
Bond nylon and numerous other substrate materials with Permabond’s new TA4550 structural acrylic adhesive! Nylon bonding nightmares will soon be

Materials Bonded
Permabond adhesives are noted for their ability to bond a large variety of different materials. Whether you are looking to bond plastics, metals, composites, wood, glass or rubber, Permabond will assist in finding the best products for your needs.
Our technical team loves challenges, so contact them today for their advice with even the most difficult to bond substrates! Click here for more information.Markets Served
Permabond adhesive and sealant products are used in virtually every industry. Click here for more information.
Many market sectors require industry specific adhesive approvals. Click here for more information for a sampling of these approvals.

Service and Capability
Permabond’s team of dedicated technical advisors are able to help and support customers through adhesive selection, trials and production line implementation. Our technically innovative range of high quality products is designed to fulfill even the toughest of bonding requirements.
New products are constantly being developed to withstand more challenging conditions, bond more new and challenging engineering materials and perform to even higher standards.
Our expert team can help you determine if one of our existing products will meet your needs or if a custom formulation is needed.
Advances in technology
Permabond chemists work closely with our Blue Center Innovation Technologies labs to push the limits of technology to help you succeed.