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April 1, 2019
UL® performs various tests to determine the suitability of pipe sealants for a particular use. The UL® classification does not…
March 28, 2019
More adhesive isn’t necessarily better when you want an effective bond or seal. Covering the bond surface is the main…
March 18, 2019
There are metal adhesives and plastic adhesives but what to do when you want to bond plastic to metal? There…
March 4, 2019
Permabond 2K Primer is a dual-purpose product. It indicates whether or not sufficient surface preparation has been carried out and…
January 21, 2019
Metal Bonding Acrylic Adhesives Epoxies, Cyanoacrylates, and several other technologies provide excellent adhesion to metals. But, acrylic metal bonding adhesives…
January 16, 2019
Please check out this amazing video of Permabond 105 cyanoacrylate adhesive, shot by our friends in Russia. The adhesive has…
December 10, 2018
Blue Center Innovation Technologies – Permabond’s new state of the art development, technical service & QC laboratories Misinto, Italy –…
November 24, 2018
What are industrial adhesives? How do they differ from consumer adhesives? Strictly speaking, industrial adhesives are adhesives that are labeled…
October 23, 2018
Recently I received a call for a 5-minute epoxy. In general terms, 5-minute epoxy refers to two-component epoxy that start…
October 16, 2018
Permabond LH050 general purpose anaerobic pipe sealant is for use on metal pipe. Permabond LH050 is classified by Underwriters Laboratories…
September 24, 2018
A structural adhesive is an adhesive that forms a bond which bears a structural load. Two of the most common…
September 16, 2018
Bonding Dissimilar Substrates It goes without saying that if you are bonding plastics use a plastic adhesive and if your…
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