Finding the Right Structural Adhesive for Engineers

Structural adhesives are the high-productivity, low weight answer to many engineering issues. However, choosing the right adhesive for each applications takes a bit of thought. For example, factors like sheer strength, optical clarity and UV curing form part of a mix of requirements for engineering purposes. The key to finding the right structural adhesive is to systematically map out your needs.

Selection Process

The mapping process can cover any situation. The following factors in all requirements needed:

  •       Type(s) of bond and processes: Depending on your requirements, you may need a combination of structures incorporating multiple bonding processes. Consider how you’ll do the bonding in procedural stages to define your precise needs for bonding agents.
  •      Bond strength: The bond loading of structural adhesives is formally calculated, using clear parameters to ensure a high quality, reliable bond value. Epoxy, cyanoacrylates, or other classes of adhesive may be appropriate depending on the loads and type of joins required.
  •       Materials: With modern structural adhesives, you have a very wide range of choices for bonding materials. It’s strongly recommended to use one of the new structural adhesives, which are purpose-made for your materials.
  •       Bonding multiple types of materials: Best practice is to use one of the new dedicated multi-materials bonding agents for your materials. These are case-specific adhesives. They’re able to provide excellent bonding between different materials and manage structural and weight issues within the design context.
  •       Application issues and methodologies: Application types and methods vary a lot depending on the nature of the bonding job. Size, bond load, and scale of bond application dictate your needs. For industrial applications, explore your options for a high efficiency, streamlined application solution. These application options can deliver exceptional cost savings.
  •       Temperature resistance: A key issue in many forms of engineering, your structural adhesive must be well inside the threshold of temperature requirements. Compare adhesives and temperature parameters.

Acrylic structural adhesives

The good news for engineers is that new acrylic structural adhesives are taking over from the older classes of bonding agents. These extremely reliable, advanced adhesives cover a full spectrum of classic needs for engineers. They’re real problem solvers, highly cost-effective and very efficient.

The new bonding technology is producing some interesting new options for engineers, too. In fact, these adhesives are able to entirely replace welds, brazing, and mechanical fastening. This range of capabilities has been an undisguised blessing for manufacturers as well as engineers, driving down costs and improving joining performance efficiencies.

The structural acrylics also provide a very high value, cost-friendly service in reducing weight and adding structural efficiencies. Additionally, they provide improved stress distribution, excellent bond strength, and preservation of substrate materials without the damage caused by other forms of joining.

Having trouble finding the right adhesive?

If you’re looking for structural adhesives for a new job or want to improve the efficiencies of your existing model, you can always get help from the manufacturers.


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