Two-Part Epoxies-Selector Guide

Below is a table representing a segment of Permabond’s complete line of Epoxy Adhesives. Contact a technical representative at Permabond to discuss your specific application requirements. We will be able to recommend the most suitable adhesive for your application.

Grade (Click grade number for TDS) Description Viscosity mPa.s (cP) Handling Time (at 23°C / 73°F) Shear Strength MPa (psi) Availability
ET500 Very fast curing, clear. 13,000-24,000 5-8 mins 12-18 (1750-2600) Worldwide
ET503 Very fast curing, tough. 15,000 6 mins 20-26 (2900 - 3770) Worldwide
ET505 Tough, structural multipurpose adhesive for bonding a wide variety of materials. 12,000-27,000 3-5 hours 18-21 (2600-3000) Worldwide
ET510 Rapid curing and flexible for excellent impact and peel resistance. 22,000-39,000 20-40 mins 8-12 (1200-1750) Worldwide
ET514 Toughened, impact resistant, high strength. Thixotropic paste 60-120 mins 20-30 (2900-4350) Worldwide
ET5143 Food Grade, FDA Compliant Thixotropic paste 3 - 5 hours 18-22 (2600-3200) Worldwide
ET5145 Food Grade, FDA Compliant Thixotropic paste 3 - 5 hours 19-21 (2800-3000) Worldwide
ET5147 Food Grade, FDA Compliant Thixotropic paste 3 - 5 hours 18-20 (26)00-3000 Worldwide
ET515 Clear and flexible, again with excellent peel and impact resistance 12,000-22,000 20-30 mins 8-12 (1160-1740) Worldwide
ET536 Toughened, thixotropic, excellent gap fill and flow control. Thixotropic paste 90-120 mins 22-32 (3190-4640) Worldwide
ET5365 WRAS approved Thixotropic paste 2 - 4 hours 10-14 (1450-2000) Worldwide
ET538 Toughened, thixotropic, excellent gap fill and flow control. Long pot life for large assemblies. Thixotropic paste 3 - 5 hours 25-30 (3625-4350) Worldwide
ET5392 Stainless steel bonding Thixotropic paste 8 - 12 hours 22-25 (3200-2600) Worldwide
ET5393 Stainless steel bonding Thixotropic paste 2 - 3 hours 18-23 (2600-3300) Worldwide
ET540 High Temperature Thixotropic paste 150-180 mins 22-26 N/mm² (3190-3770psi) Worldwide
ET5401 Toughened, thixotropic, excellent gap fill and flow control, high temperature resistant. Thick paste 60 - 90 mins 20-30 (2900-4400) Worldwide
ET5422 Toughened Thixotropic paste 16 hours 30-38 (4350-5510) Worldwide
ET5428 Composite bonding Thixotropic paste 30 - 45 mins 28-34 (4060-4930) Worldwide
ET5428 Black Composite bonding Thixotropic paste 30 - 45 mins 28-34 (4060-4930) Worldwide
ET5429 Composite bonding Thixotropic paste 6 - 10 hours 23-28 (3335-4060) Worldwide

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