Permabond 731

PERMABOND 731 Toughened Cyanoacrylate

PERMABOND® 731 is a toughened cyanoacrylate with very good impact and peel strength when compared to a conventional cyanoacrylate.  It bonds rapidly at room temperature, and its viscosity is stable over the shelf life of the product. This provides consistent performance. The product adheres to a variety of surfaces including steel, aluminum, galvanized steel, plastics, and elastomers.

Features and Benefits

  • Longer cure allows accurate alignment
  • Toughened and flexible
  • Ease of use – no mixing or heat cure
  • Bonds most materials
  • 100% reactive, no solvents.

Cyanoacrylate Directions for Use Video

Surface Preparation Directions for Use Video



Cyanoacrylate adhesives are single component adhesives that polymerize rapidly when pressed into a thin film between parts. The moisture adsorbed on the surface initiates the curing of the adhesive.  Strong bonds are developed extremely fast and on a great variety of materials. These properties make PERMABOND cyanoacrylates the ideal adhesives for high-speed production lines.

permabond 731

permabond 731

Surface Preparation prior to bonding with Permabond 731
Surfaces should be clean, dry and grease-free before applying the adhesive. Use a suitable solvent (such as acetone or isopropanol) for the degreasing of surfaces. Some metals such as aluminum, copper and its alloys will benefit from light abrasion with emery cloth (or similar), to remove the oxide layer.

Permabond 731 Directions for Use
1) Apply the adhesive sparingly to one surface.
2) Bring the components together quickly and correctly aligned.
3) Apply sufficient pressure to ensure the adhesive spreads into a thin film.
4) Do not disturb or re-align until sufficient strength is achieved, normally in a few seconds.
5) Remove any surplus adhesive with Permabond CA solvent, nitromethane, or acetone.
For difficult or porous surfaces using a Permabond activator is recommended. If bonding polypropylene, polyethylene, PTFE or silicone, prime first with Permabond Polyolefin Primer (POP).

For more information download the Technical Data Sheet


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