Modified Epoxy MS Polymer Adhesives-Selector Guide

Grade (Click grade number for TDS) Description Appearance Viscosity mPa.s (cP) Elongation Shore Hardness
MS359 Grey One part moisture cure. Very soft and flexible, low shrinkage, low read through. Ideal for exterior applications. Non sag viscosity for vertical applications. Grey Non Sag 175% A60
MS359A Grey One part moisture cure. Very soft and flexible, low shrinkage, low read through. Ideal for exterior applications. Self leveling viscosity. Grey Self Leveling 125% A45
MS359 Clear One part moisture cure. Transparent, very soft and flexible, low shrinkage, low read through. Ideal for exterior applications. Non sag viscosity for vertical applications. Grey Non Sag 115% A45
MT382 2:1 mix ratio self leveling 20 minute pot life Charcoal Black 25,000 Self Leveling 175% A70
MT3821 2:1 mix ratio thixotropic past 40 minute pot life Black Thixotropic Paste 125% A70
MT3809 10:1 mix ratio self leveling tack free skin over time 1 hour Black Self Leveling 200% A70


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